Created: 8/25/23
The Game I ended up wanting to play from the Arcade Cabinet was Dynablaster - Bomber Man which seems to be a clone of the original Bomber Man game. The player controls were very simple as the only thing to do was move and place bombs. One of the main things that I ended up learning from this experience was that there was a coop version of this game. When I played the original version in the arcades, It was always player verse player and having a coop version like this seems like it would have caused more frustration and trolling than working together.
The start-up of the game was not what I expected at all. When the game first started, I thought it had crashed, but in reality, the game was doing a ram check to make sure the game files were ok. I don't use emulators often, but I never thought it would do exactly what the game would have done in an arcade box. The sound quality almost felt like it was worse than what it was originally, but since it's a knock-off I can't be too sure.
I think the main difference I would have experienced between an arcade machine versus this emulator would be faster movements as a joystick will always feel better in movement with these types of games. Unlike my childhood, I would probably not play this game again as playing against other people is more fun in my opinion.