Ben Beary

Last Updated 11/2/2023

My name is Ben Beary and I am studying at San Jose State University for a BFA in Digital Media Arts. Ever since high school, I have dreamed of a career in the games industry. During my time in high school, I learned multiple coding languages such as Javascript, C#, and C++ while also learning art programs such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and Maya.

After finishing high school at the start of the 2020 pandemic, I moved on towards attending a community college where I would take the next two years earning transfer credits for my GE and then transfer to a college. During this time my knack for game design fell under as my motivation plummeted during the pandemic. I still worked on improving my art skills, but not with the same vigor I had back in high school. After finishing my GE courses in the spring semester of 2022, I transferred to San Jose State and rekindled my motivation to start working on game design once more. I ended up joining a Game Design Club that was on campus and have been making games with other people. Since then, I have been a part of the making of three different games with one being a solo side project.

Now in 2023, I have been able to work on my skills and create better designs for games with well-thought-out coding structures. Each year I have been able to carve out a timeline and career goals that I want to accomplish here at San Jose State.


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